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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to Germinate Bean Seeds: A tip

I thought I'd share a little tip I learned this week regarding how to germinate beans. They are the most peskiest seeds I've attempted this season. The story goes as follows: earlier last month, I tried sprouting some top crop beans in a six pack and before they had time to sprout, they rotted in the soil. I was saddened and disheartened.

I almost gave up trying but my coworker was telling me about these interesting purple podded pole beans that have purple pods and when cooked, the thing turns green. It was so intriguing to me. I had to go and find some. I received some seeds from a couple of my garden buddies via seed trades but I also bought a packet of seeds a week ago when I was at Lowes just perusing around and I saw on the Burpee's seed rack that there were some purple colored beans. They're a bush variety called "Sequoia" and they turn green when you cook them! I had to buy them! However, with my past history of unsuccessful attempts at sprouting bean seeds, I was a little weary that this packet of seeds wouldn't sprout and instead rot on me. I had a wondrous epiphany! In 2nd grade, I remember sprouting seeds-in fact bean seeds-in a wet paper towel in a jar. I was so excited that I finally found a way to sprout beans without wasting any seeds.

All you need is a jar or a zip lock baggie and a wet paper towel. Wet the paper towel and lay the seeds you want to sprout on top of the towel. Fold the towel over the seeds a couple of times and insert into plastic baggie. Place on top of a warm place. I use my fridge. Lastly but not least, you wait!
So, I tried this technique with some Italian Pole beans I had. And within 10 days, they've all sprouted. Here's a picture:

Italian Pole Beans Sprouting

Eureka, as those Californians would say! It worked. So a couple of days ago, I attempted putting some of my precious, hard to find Sequioa purple beans in a wet paper towel in a plastic baggie. I also wanted to try some Scarlett Runner beans as well. I hope to have beans all over the place!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip - I've been checking my ground where I planted my seeds for 2 weeks and nothing. It was sad. It is probably too late to try your tip this year for me (in Colorado). So I will try next year. I already bought some seedlings at the nursery. Hopefully I can keep them alive and have seeds for next year to try the jar idea!


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